Livelihood Team
Sevinc Demirci
Head of Department-Livelihood
Sevinc Demirci leads our Livelihood program department and its project in 5 locations, Dohuk, Khanqin, Shirgat, Baiji, and Basra.
Sevinc has worked for more than a decade in the humanitarian and development field in Afghanistan, Turkey, Iraq, S.Sudan, Zambia, Tanzania, Myanmar, and Jordan with various international NGOs (ACTED, ACF, MADERA, MSF, WFP, UNDP....).
Her expertise is various: FSL, livelihood and economic recovery, community development, Agri and rural development, environment and climate change adaptation, health, and education.
She gained cross-cutting knowledge through study in different countries with fellowship; community empowerment and participatory development study in National Rural Development Institute (NIRD) of India. Gender, social justice, and citizenship study in University College of London and Conflict resolution and management study in Chulalongkorn University in Thailand and the USA. She likes all outdoor sports.
Ola Abdelnour
Project Manager
Ola Abdelnour is the Project Manager for the above livelihoods project, implemented in partnership with UNDP. She is working with teams in Shirqat and Baiji to provide livelihood opportunities to vulnerable communities in both districts. These activities include Cash incentives for Vocational training, job placements, Cash for Work (rehabilitation of public infrastructure), asset replacement, and business grants, covering various skilled-labour fields, as well as the agriculture sector.
Ola has been involved in the humanitarian sector since 2019, working with Mercy Hands first in logistics, then proposal writing, and now in project management. She has experience across various fields, from healthcare to tourism and hospitality, and has lived and worked in 4 different continents. She is addicted to coffee.
Karar Esam
Project Manager-RPA73
Karar Esam is our Project Manager for the project of Sustainability Livelihood and Economy Recovery with the partnership of UND. Karar is working with the Khanaqin team to provide livelihood opportunities to vulnerable communities IDPs, Returns, and Host Community and this livelihood activity including (Cash for Work, Asset Replacement, Small Grants, In-kind or cash grants for existing SMEs, and job placements for young men and women).
Karar has been involved in the humanitarian sector in different positions since 2017, working with Mercy Hands first as a Database manager in partnership with WFP, then promoted as Project Manager for warehouses Management in partnership with Logistic Cluster for 2018, and Project Manager for Warehouse Management and Distribution NFI inside Camps and outside Camps in Anbar, Salah Al-Din, Baghdad, and Diyala in partnership with UNHCR.
He has experience across various fields, Professional good communication with donors, and a lover of humanitarian work and helping vulnerable families in Iraq.
Sufian Najeeb
Livelihood Specialist -RPA72
Suian is our livelihood specialist for the project Sustainable Livelihoods and Economic Recovery –Shirgat which is implemented in partnership with UNDP.
He worked for more than 4 years in the humanitarian field, since 2017. He was with MH at 2019-2018 and now holding a livelihood specialist position which it is enabling him to work more durable solution in the humanitarian sector.
Sufian has good experience in Cash for Work (CfW), Business Grants (BG), as well as Vocational Training (VT) from different organizational backgrounds, such as Mercy Corps (MC), Mercy Hands (MH), and Secours Islamique France (SIF). He has a career plan. Sufian gained work experience through learning by doing and personal development plan. He is committed to serving people in need and eagerly willing to develop himself more. He loves traveling and does sports.
Ahmed Kh. Ibrahim
Livelihood Specialist -RPA73
Ahmed Kh. Ibrahim is our livelihood specialist for the project Sustainable Livelihoods and Economic Recovery –Khanaqin District, Diyala Governorate RPA-73 which is implemented in partnership with UNDP.
He has been working in the humanitarian field with different NGOs and gained outstanding expertise in Livelihoods and great experience in other fields like MEAL and WASH. He started working in Livelihood projects in mid of 2016 as a Field Officer at Mercy Corps. He made serious efforts to learn more about and grow in the sector of Livelihoods. He combined field experience and study of manuals and guides related to livelihood and succeeded to excellently undertake the tasks delegated to him. In 2017, he becomes a Team Leader in a Livelihood Project. Later, he got the position of Business Start-up Officer as well as External Evaluator. And he joined MH on the first of 2021 as a MEAL Officer, promoted as a livelihood specialist.
He loves study. He just completed his Master degree on Public relation.
Project Managers
Zyad Rajab, Bijar Safar
and Ahmed Samer
Ali Suphi, Dhuha Sabah, Akram Almusavi, Jaqoob Jasim and Shakir Hussein
Livelihood Specialist
Ahmed Khaleel