We believe that all children have a right to learn in a safe environment, without fear of violence, without discrimination, without limitations.

In 2021, 1.3 million of Iraqi children are still in urgent need of education, and more particularly in Al-Anbar, Basra, Ninewa, Salah Al-Din, Kirkuk, Duhok, and Erbil governorates. IDP and returnee children are especially vulnerable and the closure of many IDPs camps has only aggravated this vulnerability. It is estimated that nearly 50% of IDP children have acute education needs. Important education gaps remain, specifically when it comes to girls and children with disabilities in remote areas.
Access to education has been further impacted by COVID-19 and the closure of schools. Indeed, re-opening dates remain uncertain and classes are taught in a blended learning approach often necessitating reliable internet connection and appropriate equipment, which many families cannot afford.
Additionally, the education system in Iraq is still lacking funding, and the shortage of skilled teachers, learning materials and basic furniture and supplies hamper education access. Furthermore, around 460,000 children also lack civil documents which prevent them from enrolling in schools and receiving proper education. Without adequate support, many children will likely never return to school.
Mercy Hands believes educating children, teachers, adults and rehabilitating schools is a vital investment towards a sound future for Iraq. Education provides stability and enables children, youth, and adults to unleash their potential. We strive to provide safe and secure environments that guide learning, self-discovery, and critical thinking.
In order to respond to the current needs, MH focuses on:
School rehabilitating and school equipping
Girls empowerment
Environmental education
Professional development of educators
Life-skills activities for children
Vocational training for youth
Current projects:
Girls transition into secondary education
School rehabilitation (Shatt Al Arab school in Umm al Roj village)
Free after-schools programming and coding club for girls
Vocational training for youth
School Feeding Programme
Past projects: